What kind of language does the author use? The language is straightforward and simple but this book needs a good polish where editing is concerned. It's one thing to use "SMS" language when writing dialogue in a fiction book but to use it in a non-fiction book, it was distracting, to say the least.
Talk about specific passages that struck you as significant. When the author talks about buying her Zena boots which are Italian made. I love boots as well, so I liked reading her thoughts on this.
What have you learned after reading this book? You need to edit and format your book more professionally. It was tedious reading this book when superscripts appeared as normal text, introduction headers were different for each chapter. Are you reading a sub-chapter, a new chapter or does the formatting need fixing?
Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.